Solution Details


The education process is conducted in different properties based on the age of students. Pre-schools, schools and institutes as well as colleges and universities are examples of education properties. Different hazards are associated with those properties during fire events. School students may need their supervisors help during a fire event. On the contrary, institutes, colleges and universities are usually occupied by large number of students. Moreover, universities may include historical libraries or large stack ones. The combustible contents do differ also from a property to another one. Hence, the fixed active fire suppression and alarm systems differ in type and characteristics from property to another one also. Commonly, installation of standpipe system, fire extinguishers and fire alarm system will provide a reasonable degree of fire protection for a school. Colleges and universities are commonly associated with sprinkler system due large number of students as well as standpipe system and fire extinguishers. Mass notification and graphical representation of events are of significant importance due the large number of students in colleges and universities.             
Examples of Educational Properties:
  1. Schools
  2. Universities
  3. Institutes

Hazards & Solutions:

Hazards Solutions
Initial Fire Control Operations Phoenix: Hand-Held Fire Extinguishers, Dry chemical Powder, Stored Pressure Operated, Medium Hazard 
MAGNUM AQUA-JET Hand-Held Dry Chemical Powder Fire Extinguishers, Internal Cartridge Operated, Medium Hazard.
Magnum foamjet : Hand-Held Fire Extinguishers ,Foam,Internal Cartridge Operated ,Medium Hazard
Sigma 5: Hand-Held Fire Extinguishers, Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguishers 
Polymer Fire Cabinets ( 1" Hose Reel): Fire Cabinets, Reels, and Racks 
Steel Fire Cabinets ( 1" Hose Reel): Fire Cabinets, Reels, and Racks
Universities Sprinkler, Standpipe & Private Fire Service Mains Systems: Fire-Fighting Systems, water Based Systems 
Steel Fire Cabinets: Fire Cabinets, Reels, and Racks 
Stainless Steel Fire Cabinets: Fire Cabinets, Reels, and Racks 
Addressable Fire Alarm Systems: Fire Alarm, Mass Notification & Evacuation Systems 
Open Graphic Navigator: Fire Alarm, Mass Notification & Evacuation Systems
Schools Steel Fire Cabinets:  Fire Cabinets, Reels, and Racks 
Conventional Fire Alarm Systems: Fire Alarm, Mass Notification & Evacuation Systems 
Laboratories Clean Agent Systems: Fire-Fighting Systems 
Control Rooms Clean Agent Systems: Fire-Fighting Systems 
Generator and Transformers Rooms Carbon Dioxide Systems: Fire-Fighting Systems 
Foam Systems: Fire-Fighting Systems, Water Based Systems 
Electric Distribution Panels Fire Search CO2 Direct and Indirect: Fire-Fighting Systems, Pre-Engineered Systems, Electrical Enclosures & Engine Compartments Systems    

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